Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions and answers

How to receive or withdraw the product ?

When making a purchase the product will be sent to the address requested at the time of making the payment, you can also pick up your product at the post office closest to your address.

How we protec buyers ?

The first thing you have to do is contact us via email and send the purchase invoice, with these data we will track your purchase and solve your problem.

Receive and return products ?

When we confirm that you have already received your product, you have 15 days to make the return.

To make a return you must contact support via email and request a return.

Support will send you a form which you must fill out and send with the product to our address.

How do I cancel a purchase ?

Depending on the status of the shipment, you have to follow one of these steps.

  • If the purchase has not yet been dispatched, look for the “Cancel purchase” button. If you don’t have “Cancel purchase” available please contact with support.
  • If the purchase has already been dispatched, you can reject it when it arrives or not pick it up from the mail. When the package arrives at your address please contact us and return the package.

How the changes work ?

While we can’t exchange your product, you can return it and get your money back to buy something. else the 1914 translation

How long do the shipments take ?

Our shipments are made from the USA, therefore destinations in:

  • United States: 5 days.
  • Europe: 10 to 15 days.
  • Asia: 15 to 20 days.
  • South America: 10 to 15 days.

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